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the retired athlete workshop

Specifically designed & created by retired athletes, for retired athletes.

The Retired Athlete Workshop (R.A.W.) is a virtual course that addresses the major sticking points for athletes who have retired from sport: identity & purpose, relationship with food, finding joy in movement, and building back body respect & trust.


Athletes of all sport backgrounds, competitive levels, and time removed from sport have participated in R.A.W. Whether you were once a runner or now consider yourself a swammer, retired from sport 10 months or 10 years ago, this workshop is for you.


If you haven't already, sign up for the R.A.W. email list. You'll receive our free guide, "5 Tips to Get Your Shit Together Post-Sport" and be the first to know when the 8-week group is available for a limited-time discounted price. We'll also send you monthly-ish (emphasis on the ish) tidbits that every retired athlete should know about, centering a mix of identity, food, movement, and body image that will be short, sweet, sassy, and, most importantly, sans spam.

what retired athletes are saying about r.a.w.

I loved how real and honest everything was, and how it was approached.
Though some very raw topics at times, they are also very necessary to talk about and address, even though I didn't know I had things to address until I went through this workshop.
-retired volleyball player
The identity module was my favorite because it really opened my eyes to just how much I didn't realize I was still identifying with an athlete "persona."
It's hard when you've been retired from sport for a long time to realize how tethered to it you still are. It's going to make self care, mental health, and talking about those things a lot easier because now I feel like I have a blueprint/map to show people and help them understand me & where I've been.
-retired volleyball player
I loved the interactive worksheets, the values driven concepts, and the short yet comprehensive presentations.
The body image and exercise modules were the most helpful because they introduced a lot of values-driven concepts that I resonated with.
-retired track & field athlete


The Retired Athlete Workshop has two options to suit your needs: solo self-paced to align with your schedule, or an 8-week community-based group program to foster connection and peer support.


Best for busy bees who prefer doing things on their own time instead of making a weekly commitment.



-Self-paced so that you can watch as & when you please

-Video presentations and activities created by retired athlete & anti-diet dietitian Lizzie Briasco, MSc, RD, CSSD, LDN

-Videos & activities broken down into 4 core modules: Reassessing Identity & Purpose, Reclaiming Food, Rediscovering Play & Joyful Movement, and Rebuilding Trust in Whole Self & Body

-50+ individual videos, 5-10 mins long (5 hours video content)

-25 downloadable & printable handouts, worksheets, and prompts you can start using ASAP

-Unlimited access to videos & downloadable & printable content for a year

-Unlimited email correspondence with Lizzie

-Discount on the community-based R.A.W. if you decide you want more support & extended access to content

All of Solo PLUS:

-Four 60-minute virtual community groups facilitated by Lizzie, held every other week to allow time for you to watch the corresponding modules, complete activities, and meet for 1:1 nutrition sessions if you opt for additional support*

-Connection with & support from other retired athletes

-Accountability to stick with & complete the modules

-Additional ideas from peers to implement concepts and action strategies discussed in each module

-Lifelong access to private community Facebook group & discussions

-Unlimited access to video content for a year

-Unlimited access to downloadable & printable content for a year

-Unlimited priority email correspondence with Lizzie

-Discount on future workshops if you decide you want more support by joining another R.A.W. 8-week group

8 week online community program

Best for retired athletes who enjoy feeling connected and engaged, sharing ideas, hearing from others' experiences, and group discussion.


take a peek inside r.a.w!

Balancing Rocks

module 1

Reassessing Identity & Purpose

-Retired Athlete Workshop introduction
-Acknowledge significance of sport & impact on your identity
-Understand what values are & why they are integral to your sense of identity & purpose
-Learn to hold space for athlete self while moving forward with post-sport identity & purpose

Worksheets that guide you in...
-identifying values & purpose of your athlete self vs. "normal human bean" self
-assessing your whole self and prioritizing parts of your self post-sport
-choosing values-based activities that align with your post-sport identity & purpose

Decorated Donuts

module 2

Reclaiming Food

-Explore how to start shifting your mindset around food from rules & guilt to freedom & trust
-Understand how diet culture presents in sport
-Identify where you are on the eating spectrum
-Understand what impacts internal cues
-Learn how to keep *those* foods around without losing your shit & bingeing on them

Worksheets that guide you in...
-identifying & ditching diet culture tools that have interrupted your body attunement
-listening to & honoring your "here & now" body
-distinguishing between fullness & satisfaction
-starting to cope with uncomfy situations & emotions with kindness - not food

Canoes on a Lake

module 3

Rediscovering Play & Joyful Movement

-Validate the variety of reasons exercising as a retired athlete can be challenging
-Normalize taking a fucking break
-Shift your mindset from quantitative exercise to qualitative movement
-Assess the past, current, and desired role(s) of movement in your life
-Explore fun options available to you outside of traditional exercise or workouts

Worksheets that guide you in...
-identifying & moving away from compensatory or compulsive exercise
-identifying & practicing mindful movement
-thinking about & trying a wider variety of movement options

Meditate at the beach

module 4

Rebuilding Body Respect

-Understand body duality & how it has impacted your view of your body
-Acknowledge athlete-specific body pressures
-Explore & understand body positive and body neutral mindsets
-Understand how to use your athlete experience to build body image resilience
-Learn how to start practicing body respect for your here & now body

Worksheets that guide you in...
-identifying & creating empowering body affirmations that you actually believe
-shifting your attitude about your body when feeling some type of way in the moment
-prioritizing your values over your fears

*Weekly individual nutrition counseling sessions are not included but are recommended to get the most out of both the solo and community-based workshop. Individual sessions may be covered by your insurance; check out our FAQs page to learn more.

Don't wanna wait to start R.A.W. and feel ready to get 1:1 support?
Book an initial assessment now.​

ready to make life after sport suck less and mean more?

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